Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Everything is connected

Yes, I know, wikipedia is an unreliable source. It's invalid in Journalism, writing papers, doing research, etc. But wikipedia races. can be a great source of entertainment if you're bored enough.

All you need is a group of friends with nothing better to do, and at least two computers or laptops.

The rules of the game are simple. Everyone starts on the same wikipedia article like "Ipod." Everyone chooses the same endpoint like "chocolate." Then the players race to see who can get from the start point to the endpoint. However, you can only click on the blue links to get from article to article. You can't use the search option or type things in.

Here's an example. You start with "Ipod." You follow the link to the article on "APPLE." From "APPLE" you follow the link to "United States." From there you go to the article on "country. " Then you go to "European Countries." From there you can go to "Belgium." From there, you can find "chocolate." There are other possible paths, but that's the one I took.

Some other suggestions: Chocolate to Brad Pitt, Saddam Hussein to strawberries, string theory to Helen Keller, and Malaria to sweatpants.

Try it out. You will see that everything in the world really is connected.


Al Raks Noujoum said...


Kaushik said...

I should try that.


Ramkumar Ramachandra said...

Sounds like fun :)

C Merry said...

Great idea!
Thank you so much for your wonderful comment.

bumshake said...

man, I'd do that.